Claire Thomas Vocal Coaching

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Warm Ups For Singers -

a handy pdf overview

01 ooo 1 breath.m4a

Ooohs in 1 breath downwards only!

02 mee may mah maw moo.m4a

Mee May Mah Maw Moo - vowel placement and shaping

06 1234, 1234, 1234, 1.m4a

1234, 1234,1234,1- chromatic scale

15 n-n-n-nyah ee.m4a

N-n-n-n-nyah-ee - soft palate control

04 leith police dissmissith us _ ee _ ah.m4a

Yah - ascending & descending arpeggio

18 atonement steps 2.m4a

Long phrase - steps to ‘ee’

Piano exercises -

just click the picture of the notes and get singing!

16 circle slow atonement.m4a

Slow stepped circle - open vowels in 1 breath